Sunday, 16 August 2015

It's getting real!

A little bit of New Zealand travelling with me
One day before I go, things are getting real! Today was a relaxing day of spending time with Holly, saying goodbye to people, and creating some sunny Auckland memories.
Am really looking forward to what lies ahead, experiencing new cultures and countries, and challenging myself both mentally and physically but today was a great day of savouring and creating memories that I can take away with me. I am sure there will be hard times ahead, and it will be in those moments that I will look back to today, remember home and give me strength to go on.

Tomorrow is the big day, lots to do before the flight.....wash and dry everything, charge all the batteries, wash and oil Rose, dismantle her, pack her up into the box with copious amounts of bubble wrap, double check I have packed everything else, and get out to the airport on time...think that's it.

So excited, hope I can sleep tonight.


  1. Nice socks. Before going anywhere my mother always asked me if I had a clean pair of underpants. Just her way to try to keep me grounded. Never did of course but it kept me practical and kept me firmly grounded and under control.

  2. Nice touch Andy. But I always thought you were the 'free and lovely' sort of chap (i.e. no biancheria intima). ;-D
